Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Life Changing Nicaragua Mission Trip

#LifeStory [ 13 ]  August 24-31, 2013
On our 11th anniversary Elyssa and I went on our first BMDMI mission trip to Nicaragua.  Our team went to the village of Los Zarzales, where we saw about 3000 people in the village and surrounding area.  The people in that area were not as poor as others, but they were hungry for God's Word.  I helped with the youth service all week, while Elyssa served in the pharmacy.  I was amazed at how the teens would just sit and absorb God's Word.
The first night there, Frank Kirby (Chico), asked me if I wanted to preach at any of the adult services.  I said no because I was unfamiliar with how BMDMI did things and because I didn't know the people.  Chico asked me again the next day, but I turned down the opportunity again because I had no idea what to say.  What could I say to connect with the people?  What did they need to hear?

As the first two days went by, I had an opportunity or two to share the Good News of Jesus with the teens in the youth service, but the other person who did most of the talking liked to tell stories and rarely presented a clear or accurate presentation of the Gospel.  Also, the community was invited back every evening for a night service, but the messages always seemed too Southern Baptist and "churchy."  As time went by, I felt like God was telling me, "Cheyenne, the people need to hear the Truth, the Gospel explained clearly."

I started praying and asking God to give me boldness to preach the Truth, but I also needed direction.  I had no idea what to say, or where to start.  Then the Lord reminded me of Mark 1:15, "The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel."  This is the simple message Jesus preached to the people when He started His ministry, and I felt like God was telling me that this is what the people of Los Zarzales needed to hear as well.

The Lord also reminded me of how I was raised on a farm and I could use that as a way of connecting with the people.  I needed to share my own testimony of how I came to know Jesus and explain clearly to the people the Good News as described in Romans 3:23, 5:8, 6:23, and 10:9-10.

So, on our last day in the village, Wednesday, August 28, I preached the Good News of Jesus Christ to a tent full of people.  The Lord gave me boldness and the words to speak as I proclaimed His Truth in a way that was easy to understand.  This was the highlight of my week!  When I stepped out in faith, trusting God to help me and provide me with the words to speak, He empowered me to preach the message He had given me from the start.  God used this to confirm in my heart that this is what He has called me to do -- to preach the Truth, the Good News of Jesus, in a way that people will be able to understand.  And best of all, 9 people trusted in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!

I'm so glad my wife was there!  Her encouragement and support continually helped me to serve the Lord as He directs!

Eyes Opened to AZ

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