Thursday, August 29, 2019

Kinley Trusts in Jesus

Not too long after Adalynn trusted in Jesus as her Lord and Savior, Kinley started talking about wanting to get saved.  She was five years old, but didn't seem to understand everything, so we told her to be patient and God would help her understand as she got older.  Every night we would pray with her and when she asked about it, we would explain it to her and prayed with her that God would reveal Himself to her.  Kinley has always loved babies, and she has a big heart for orphans. 

One night, while praying for the orphans, Kinley added to her prayer, "Jesus, please come into my heart."  Elyssa and I looked at each other, but didn't follow-up on it because we didn't think she was ready.  As time went on, Kinley turned 6 and was promoted to the Kidz Worship age group at church.  In Kidz Worship they give the kids an opportunity every Sunday to pray at the altar during the offering, and encourage them to talk to a leader if they want to know more about how to get saved.  One Sunday morning Kinley goes up to pray and tells Mrs. Mandy that she wants to get saved.  When Mandy talked to her, Kinley told her that she asked Jesus into her heart when she was five, but waited till now because her sister was six when she got saved.  Mandy said she understood the gospel and then prayed with her the "sinner's prayer."

The next Sunday we took her up front to share her salvation with the church; she didn't want to at first (she said she was embarassed), but she did go and clung to her mother's leg the whole time.  A week later Kinley was baptized, but she wasn't embarassed about that at all!  The Lord has given Kinley a very compassionate heart for orphans and I'm excited to see how He's going to use her to advance His kingdom!

Eyes Opened to AZ

Within the past year, I've had two opportunities to visit and minister to natives through partnership with Live Love Ministries . The un...